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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Dr. John Welsh
Charles Welsh posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, November 24, 2024

The story of a Doctor ,
I once knew a Doctor who grew up poor in the Irish , Italian section of atlantic city know as ducktown, he delivered newspapers and collected soda bottles to help pay for his siblings clothing, and contribute to the family household. As he got older he found a job at a local pharmacy in the old italian neighborhood , there he would learn the importance and the accolades of a further education which was not very common of most citizens of the neighborhood.
During this time he met a local girl in ducktown,whos father worked for the cities water dept and mother worked as well.and both spoke Italian(they were 2nd generation immigrants) they hit it off and started dating, they all had common friends and the family ties within the community were as strong as steel.
His side of the family were both hard working families from both Ireland and Italy , specifically Scicily .
As life got serious for the new couple , he realized he wanted to be the best he possibly could in this life. He went to college and did well , taking the public transportation back and forth because he could not afford transportation of his own. He then went on to becoming accepted at a Phila Medical College , where he once again acceled , during this time he started a family of his own , a son first (which made both of his now families very happy followed by a daughter , who touched the hearts of all and was the little angel that they all had been waiting for.
Then a 2nd Son who would bear the name of this Doctor.
This Doctor would go on to serve the community for many years as a Pediatrician , He would go on to to specialize in the infant stages of Oncology, and eventually settle in a practice of Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease .
I had the oppurtunity to accompany him while in Med School at PCOM and Jefferson Univerisity Hospital and Childrens Heart hospital in Phila.
I remember the sick children that he took care of , Marianne , who had a condition which required the daily dose of steroids that made her face swell like the moon, and looked like Darla on the little rascals Steven who reminded me of Alfalfa of the little rascals,whos condition i cant remember but he looked after me like i was his little brother, and finally my favorite , Earl Jones,who was in a wheelchair , who we used to take pretend fishing in the water fountains outside of the hospital, in downton Philadelphia. He had the condition known as Osteo Genesis Imperfecta, he tragectley died when his wheelchair rolled off the stage of the hospital conference room.Where we used to play. i remember this vividly when Dr Welsh told me this at age 5 or 6 . Im not sure how i remember this but i can picture each of those children like someone who i saw today. I remember the train rides from Berlin NJ , Pennsaulkin, my biggest thrill was going thru the turnstiles before you entered the boarding area.
This Doctor a real Md Doctor has gone by many names, John, Dr John, many have called him Doc, some have called him Dr Welsh, Doc Welsh, Mr Welsh, and his childhood contacts just Welsh.
All of my life , through all of the experiences that i saw him go thru, and the ones that he took me thru and showed me life, I called him DAD.
Bob & Lynn Gale posted a condolence
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Wishing all our best to everyone in the passing of Dr John Welsh, we wish the family all our condolences in this sad time.
Bob & Lynn Gale
Ken Blankenbuehler posted a condolence
Saturday, September 7, 2024
My Sympathies to June and the family. A fine physician and Parishioner at St Joseph Catholic Church in Somers Point.
Family uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 6, 2024

Family uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 6, 2024

Family uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 6, 2024

Family uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 6, 2024

Charlie uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 6, 2024

Charlie uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 6, 2024

The family of Dr. John W. Welsh uploaded a photo
Friday, September 6, 2024

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Dr. John Welsh
Friday, September 6, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Gormley Funeral Home LLC Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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